Monday, February 22, 2010

hahaha..a good day

today 7 something wanna back home from my granma house..
phone for lao gong but nobody istraight go basketball court find him...
hahaa..yo yo yo...i'm so clever...he really at there play ball with his friends...
and also zhi en is back here..tuesday just back his camp..^^
after that i see they all play ball awhile...
and i saw chun chun..
got many days no see him adi...but still so white..haha..
after that ah kun wanna back home bath....then guan ming,shu and zhi en nobody fetch back..
so i fetch them back..
shu always cha siao me..but got them sure got fun..^^
after fetch them back home..i back home awhile..
then wait for ah mei ttn finish and lei and mun come take things from me..
10 something pick up my lovely lou gong...thengo my granma house bai bai..
then fetch him go vox find ah kun and dear them...
go back home with ah mei...
mummy is waiting for us... hahaha..
then talk with mummy awhile..
waiting for lou gong back home again ~ =) i miss youuu...
lovesss you

dear joue's house..

today dear joue invite me go her house for dinner.. ^^
8 something go pick up my dear Josee... ^^
then we reach joue's house liao but wait for ah kun them reach just together go inside..
dear with me ^^
after that they going pool..but i need early back cant join themm..
lou gong also wan me to back home..abo let mummy scold..
wait for lou gong back home...then talk phone untill 4 some thing...just have a good rest..
sweet dream ^^

yo ^^ wake up liao wan go eating with da jie and ah mei geh...
go d5 but not yet i call they all go eat themself..
i find my dear joue and nana...
after that...i have my lunch at old town with joue,nana,shu and ah kun... for lou gong...then ask him wanna out anot...
so nana accompany me fetch joue back home bath and go fetch himmm... ^^
then we go back there meet..
lou gong me and nana accompany him eat at d5...
after that we sembang un till 5 something...

nana with me =)

dear josee come find uss...we go asmall play pool..i just play 1 round only..haha..and lose too....
i'm hungry i go eat with lou gong..then also bring nana go too...
go hai tao ki...there is fcking lots ppl there...
wait tilll we siao...then after that ah kun and dear them come join us too...
at there saw my er jiee...she is happy to see me there...
me too...hahaha...
i love her...i know she loves me too~! ^^
she wan back home with me..
after eat fnsh...dear them wanna go sing k with nana...cause she last day at AS..TT..
sad that i cant join...but time lar..^^
then i go back with er jie happily... =)
back home also didnt get scold... yeah

Saturday, February 20, 2010

CNY and Valentine's day ^^

=) happy chinese new year and also happy valentine's day go my counsins housee...wuhuhu...get many angpau's there.. yeah ^^
after that...night go zen find lao gong and ah kun them..
dear know why we are so late reach there?
guan ming is busy helping ah shu set hair...
after that my lao gong also sui...wan set hair also... hahahah
i love his stupid face..haha
while waiting them...i take photo with zhi en,ah kun..and shu =)
ah kun with me ...

zhi en with me.. ^^
this red clothes is find by zhi en...haha..he is funny =)
ah shu with me..
ah kun with me again ^^

after one hour more then we go cai shih housee...
just go there awhile only...hahaha...
after that we go sing my mummy let me 1 something back home...cause all my sis is having movie at when they finish movie...i also need to back home liao... TT
so i at ebox half hour more only...but nvm..can be with my dear lao gong...then ok adi.. =)
i'm enjoy today =)

my sweet 18 birthday

i love 0211...this is always what i say... and also it is thursday =) my mummy is not at home..wuhuhuhu ^^ so my lou gong can come my house find me... hurray ~! then we go fetch ah mei and go eat things together... our celebration will be tomorrow is friday... because wanna wait ah kun them back here...and also most happy is zhi en back here from Ns.. ^^ my 0211 days just go out awhile only =) anywway... i'm happy too...i recieve alots of wishes...yeah...thanks all my friends..

the next day.. yeah...all lou gong's friend are come back already... afternoon i'm going pacific wait for wen after work.. and saw ah ming...she quiet thin alots...but more black jor... nvm...come back liao just facial k? i miss you much ya =) after that...cT is coming to fetch wen back home.... then he wanna go his shop take me and wen go buy chicken wings to eat... =) nice~! my birthday celebrations at Rock Cafe =) my lou gong still remember... Love Shape Blueberry cake =) muacksx.... thank you...^^ happy birthday to me ~! mucaskx.. my lovely wen with me =) my dear Josee with me =)
Dear joue with medear..mE..weN ^^ after singing songs =) arh...i love him ^^ my dear joue and wen with me... =) haha...evrytime joue drunk her face is damn red de =) we four ^^ while waiting toilet.. hehe

we are fighting who the most black.. hahaha
i love this... idea from dear Josee =) all of us... ^^

after that we leave rock cafe happily...
my lou gong and me =)

hmmm....have a nice night with themm...and happy that my ah gor also got go.. =)
joue with me again.. at Zen ^^
we threee =)

thanks all my dear friends..i loves you all... ^^

Saturday, February 6, 2010

damn true..i love this ❤

post by a guy from facebook.. ❤ i love this ❤
事情立刻回复她,字数一定要比她的多,这样她会觉得你很在乎她。 ­


二。每天睡觉之前一定要给她一条道“晚安”的短信,不管你有多晚,因为她可能一直在等你,只是她嘴上说不管。即便是她已经昏昏睡去,第二天一醒来也会立刻去查收信息。 ­


三。看到她的未接电话要立刻打过去,任何时候不要让她找不到你,因为这样她会一直很不安心。 ­


四。你问她想不想你时,如果她说不想,你不要生气,因为她的不想就是想。 ­


五。千万要记得女生都是害羞的,不要什么都让她主动。也不要在她表现心疼、吃醋、关心你的时候不停地问,只要偷偷地笑心里甜就够了,也许她不想让你知道她无时无刻不在想对你好。 ­


六。经常去她的空间逛逛,即使什么也不留下,但是她看到你来过的痕迹也会很开心,也许有些心情就是为你而写。顺便看看她的心情日志什么的,还有她好友的留言,多知道点她的小秘密挺好,准备惊喜也容易点。 ­


七。牵了手就不要轻易说分手,吵架的时候也不要说。如果她赌气跑开,只要一个用力的拥抱就能让她安静,就能让她感觉到你的爱。希望你能懂她离开时想要被挽留,如果说出口那只是乞求来的温柔。 ­


八。开始一段新的恋情的前提是放下前面的所有恋情,你可以把她们给你的信物和美好记忆保留着,但是请把这些用一个匣子藏在她永远不会发现的地方,因为那些她不知道的事对于她是致命的伤害。记住女生都是敏感的动物。 ­






Wednesday, February 3, 2010

tag by my dear - Josee ❤

Q1 : 你旳大名

Q2 : 你认为什么才是真正旳幸福

Q3 : 你觉得爱情重要还是友情重要.

Q4 : 你相信天长地久吗?

Q5 : 你现在过得快乐么?
很快乐 =)

Q6 : 如果有秘密.你会做到坦白地告诉对方吗?

Q7 : 喜欢小baby吗?
当然喜欢 =)但是自己生的话很辛苦

Q8 : 你是谁??

Q9 : 希望自己多大结婚?
25-28 岁

Q10 : 证婚启示

Q11 : 你觉得女生直发好看还事曲发好看?

Q12 : 最想去哪里旅游?

Q13 : 一辈子都不会忘记旳人.?

Q14 : 如果爱一个人,是不是要拼命地爱他(她)?
我就是这样的 =)

Q15 : 看到天空.你想起旳第一个人是谁.?

Q16 : 你会爱他一辈子吗?

Q17 : 喜欢你旳人和你喜欢旳人.你会选哪个?

Q18 : 你会以什么方式向她(他)表达你旳爱?

Q19 : 如果看到自己最爱旳人熟睡在你面前你会做什么?
偷亲他 ^^

Q20 : 你后悔过自己旳决定吗?

Q21 : 你脱口而出旳话是?

Q22 : 现在最迷什么?

Q23 : 你是好孩子吗?

Q24 : 觉得爱情和面包哪个重要?

Q25 : 你白痴啊?

Q26 : 如果你旳BF(GF).经常不回家旳话.你会怎样?

Q27 : 心烦旳时候要怎么办?

Q28 : 你是个记仇旳人么?

Q29 : 最爱那个.离你有多远?

Q30 : 可以做到永不背弃爱嗎?

Q31 : 如果你知道你快死了,最后一句说什么??

Q32 : 最爱最爱旳人是谁?

Q33 : 在你心裏、最愛聽旳3個字是什麼.?
他叫我 -小公主

Q34 : 希望時間停留甾哪個時刻..?

Q35 : 最讨厌对方对你做了什么?

Q36 : 如果对方提出分手你会挽留吗?

Q37 : 现在幸福吗?

Q38 : 哪一个国家你觉得最浪漫的?
希腊 的爱情海

Q39 : 我染發會好看嗎?

Q40 : 是否狠心去拒絶過①嗰人?

Q41 : 如果你心爱的人背叛你

Q42 : 你被点了几多次?

Q43 : 现在在想什么?(每个人自己开一个问题)

MisS B.. jcmin =)( wait for her blogging again).. 没有了。